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Reading Workshop
Session 6: Small Group Instruction:
Guided Reading
Coming soon
Optimal Learning Model
Session 1: Building a Mental Model
Session 2: Unit Unpacking Protocol
Growth Mindset
Session 1: Growth Mindset Mental Model
Session 2: Research and Application
Social Emotional Learning
Session 1: Open Circle
Session 2: Rituals and Routines
Session 3: Core Values - Code of Conduct
Session 4: Structures
Session 5: Effective Teacher Language
Session 6: Diversity
Balanced Literacy
Session 1: Literacy Journey
Session 2: Understanding the Big Picture
Classroom Environment
Session 1: Research and Guidelines
Session 2: Viewing a Model Classroom
Session 3: Building Habits
Session 4: Practice
Using Assessment to Inform Instruction
Session 1: Effective Feedback - Defined
Session 2: Effective Feedback Applied
Session 3: Effective Feedback - Practice
Writing Workshop
Session 1: Building a Mental Model
Session 2: Launching Writing Workshop
Session 3: Mini-Lesson and Anchor Charts
Session 4: Independent Writing
Session 5: Effective Feedback-Conferring
Session 6: Small Group Instruction
Session 7: Assessment
Session 8: Unit Planning - Mentor Texts
Session 9: Using Data to Differentiate
Session 10: Gap Closing Instruction
Reading Workshop
Session 1: Building a Mental Model
Session 2: Launching Reading Workshop
Session 3: Mini-Lesson and Anchor Charts
Session 4: Independent Reading
Session 5: Writing About Reading
Session 6: Guided Reading
Session 7: Strategic Small Group
Session 8: Assessment
Session 9: Using Data to Differentiate
Session 10: Unit Unpacking-Text Choice
Session 11: Gap Closing Instruction
Accountable Talk: Habits of Discussion
Session 1: Building a Mental Model
Session 2: Launching Accountable Talk
Session 3: Advanced Cooperative Structur
Session 4: Assessment/Differentiation
Session 5: Advanced Talk Stems
Literacy Across the Content Areas
Session 1: Structures
Session 2: Scholar Engagement
Session 3: Accountable Talk
Session 4: Close Reading Across Content
Session 5: Non-Fiction Reading/Writing
Session 6: Interdisciplinary Planning
Session 7: Effective Teacher Language
Close Reading
Session 1: Building a Mental Model
Session 2: Guided Planning
Session 3: Observation and Feedback
Text Complexity
Session 1: Common Core Definition
Session 2: Bands of Proficiency
Session 3: Qualitative Textual Analysis
Session 4: Reader and Task
Session 5: Planning IRA-Close Reading
Interactive Read Aloud/Shared Reading
Session 1: Text Dependent Questions
Session 2: Collaborative Planning
Session 3: Vocabulary
Session 4: Mapping Out a Text
The Fine Arts
The Fine Arts
Social Science
Social Science
Physical Fitness and Health
Physical Fitness and Health
World Language
World Language
Media Library
Video Library
Photo Galleries
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