Physical Fitness and Health
The road toward a lifetime of healthful habits begins in the Early Learning, Primary and Elementary academies. In the area of physical fitness, the emphasis at this level is on developing motor skills and aerobic capacity, targeted to individual levels and according to personal fitness plans. We aim to develop students’ skills in sports and games, but we take great care not to overemphasize competition. Rather, we believe that learning basic motor skills provides the competence that leads to confidence and enjoyment of physical activities for a lifetime. Students are never excluded from physical fitness or extracurricular activities on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or housing status.
During the crucial Junior Academy years, we guide students toward making wise choices as they negotiate the physical, social, and emotional changes associated with early adolescence. Through a varied program that stresses individualized fitness goals, we help all students understand the benefits of continuing the strenuous physical activity they enjoyed in earlier academies. In the Health program, we carefully link the health, science, and character and ethics curricula when dealing with issues that range from resolving personal conflicts to human reproduction.
The main reference book for physical education teachers is Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children, 11th & 12th Eds. The text is consistent with our state standards for physical education, and includes essential sections on activities for developing basic skills, wellness and developing a healthy lifestyle and sport-specific skills and drills.
In conjunction with the physical education, science and character and ethics curricula, Seven Hills also offers regular instruction in healthful living, with a special focus on the needs of students of different ages. We have carefully chosen components of Health Wave curriculum that are age-appropriate and that support our ambitious standards for each academy. This program emphasizes personal and mental health, stress management and suicide prevention, nutrition and fitness, human growth and sexuality, family life, disease prevention and AIDS, safety and injury prevention, violence prevention, community and consumer health, alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
A well-rounded education has to include more than a limited arts appreciation component. It has to develop a deeper understanding of the purpose, value, and aesthetics of the arts and teach students the fundamental skills of self-expression.