Reading Workshop
Session 4: Independent Reading
What is an Independent Reading
Teacher works one-on-one with a student
Teacher may do a table conference
The teacher assesses (researches) what the student needs to learn, decides what to remind, reinforce, or re-teach then teaches the reader.
Mentor Text
What Is Essential?
Conversational tone
Motivation- develop identity as a reader
Research, Decide, Teach (RDT,R) and record
Teach the reader, not the book
If you know your standards…..
You know your readers……
You will be successful at researching to identify a teaching point!!!
What are the Goals of the Reading Conference?
Conference Goals for the Teacher
To coach the student to think actively
To assess what the student knows and needs to learn
To teach the reader
To motivate the student to read more and to apply the strategies taught
Conference Goals for the Reader
To apply reading strategies
To develop meta-cognitive skills
To talk about books in a variety of ways, (e.g. author’s craft, character development, preferences).
Four Part Conference Structure
What does the student know?
What does the student need to learn?
Select 1-2 things the student is ready to learn next.
Explain and model the strategy
Record what you taught and expect student to practice for follow-up at next conference.
Four Domains for Conferring in Reading
Four Domains for Conferring in Reading
1. Talk about what you see the reader doing at the moment
I see you are laughing. What’s so funny?
I see you have lots of sticky notes in your book. What are you writing?
I see you’re reading the back of the book. Tell me about that--what kind of information does it give you?
I see you have selected many nonfiction text. What do you like about nonfiction?
2. Talk about what you worked on last conference
Last time we met, we talked about finding “just right” books. Share with me the books you selected. How do you know they are “just right?”
Last time we met, we worked on reading fluently and paying attention to the punctuation marks. Read this part aloud so I can hear how you’re doing…
Last time we worked on what you can do when you come to a word you don’t know. What can you do to figure out that word?
3. Ask 1 or more open-ended questions
How’s your reading going?
Tell me about this book…what’s it about? What’s happening so far in the story?
Tell me about the character in the story?
Why did you select this book?
Can I help you with anything in your reading?
Share one of your thinking notes with me?
Take Away Messages
Reading Conferences follow a Research, Decide, Teach, and Record format.
Four domains of reading: decoding, comprehension, fluency, and motivation.
Teach the reader not the book.
Conferences involve active teaching and follow-up.
Recording conference points helps students take responsibility and an active role in growing as a reader.
A reading conference is “reading surgery.”
As teachers we grow in our ability to confer. We start with a handful of strategies. Over time we develop a basketful.